Adolescent Intensive Outpatient Program

Adolescent Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)
A structured three day per week, three hours per day program (Tuesday through Thursday, 4-7pm) designed to support adolescents who are not able to meet their mental health needs on an hour per week basis.
This program is for adolescent mental health needs, including depression, social or other anxiety, coping with family issues (divorce, loss, etc), or other behaviors that are difficult to stop (except alcohol/drug addiction).
If there is an eating disorder concern, we are able to help support you in our comprehensive Eating Disorder PHP or IOP program.
Congratulations for taking a hard and necessary step! Please call our office at (770) 495-9775.
Clients shall be considered for admission to the Intensive Outpatient Program when they meet the following criteria:
1. Are age 13 to 18 years old (if 18, must still be in high school). 12-year-olds will be considered on an individual basis.
2. The adolescent exhibits psychological or behavioral symptoms that significantly impair their functioning in two or more areas of life: home, school, occupational, and/or other important areas of functioning.
3. Program attendance is expected to improve or maintain the individual's current behavioral functioning and prevent any further decline, which would result in being referred to a higher level of care.