Manna's Web Presence
Dr. Genie Burnett has spent countless hours letting the world know how amazing the vision, mission and work that Manna has been doing! Check out our social media links and interviews!
Check Out Our Recent Projects
Dr. Burnett was a gymnast as a youth. She was on the same team as Christy Henrich and both were trained by Olympic coach, Al Fong. This article reveals more on Christy, her battle with anorexia, and behind-the-scenes support from Al.
Food, Faith & Feelings Podcast
Discussion on many evolving issues related to the title. Dr. Burnett interviews many people on these different issues.
Recovery Recharged Podcast
Dr. Burnett was interviewed by Dr. Pat Baccilli, of the Dr. Pat Show, and Ellen Stewart, the "Pushy Broad from the Bronx" on "Improve Your Relationship with Food."
24-7 Press Release
Supporting Eating Disorder Recovery: Big Green Egg Partners with Manna Fund to "Raise the Roof" - Press Release highlighting Big Green Egg and the Manna Scholarship Fund
Interview with The Workplace Therapist
Understanding Emotions in the Workplace with Dr. Genie Burnett.
Dr. Burnett & Media

Dr. Genie Burnett, CEDS
Dr. Burnett loves to educate the public - whether through radio, TV, or print, she loves to communicate information to help you understand. This doesn't just include eating disorders, but also the underlying trauma and pain that helps create and maintain the eating disorder as well as other unhelpful behaviors that suppress pain and create havoc in your life. If you would like to have her on your production, please contact her: or you can contact the office at 770-495-9775.